книги англійською для різних рівнів


Native speakers


Versatile courses


IT companies study with us


International certification of all school teachers

Empire English School

Empire English School is a provider of corporate English training with native speakers, which has been operating since 2015, helping Ukrainian companies to become even closer to the global community.

Our team conducts a full cycle of training: from testing to obtaining the desired results, and also uses additional tools to track and generate reports for each request.

Empire teachers are specialists with philological education and international certifications, such as TEFL, TESOL and of course CELTA. Our tutors have many years of experience in teaching English in various fields, such as: finance, IT, medicine and others; for domestic and international companies.

Together with native speakers and local teachers, more than 1,500 professionals improved their knowledge of English.They have also mastered the following skills: self-presentation and pitching, conducting business communications, and discovering more about cultural differences in international business.

EMPIRE - Associate Member of  UNESCO (SDG)

We are not indifferent to the quality of our life and the life of the next young generation! That is why the Empire team became participants in the program of development and improvement of all spheres of life from UNESCO. This program was developed in 2021 by the UN General Assembly, as a plan to achieve a better and more stable future for all inhabitants of the planet.
програми ЮНЕСКО

Goal 4: Quality education


Increase the number of qualified teachers in developing countries
By 2030, significantly increase the number of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation in teacher training in developing countries, especially in least developed countries and small island developing States.


Eliminate absolutely all types of inequality in the field of education
By 2030, eliminate gender inequality in the field of education and ensure equal access to education and vocational training at all levels for vulnerable groups of the population, including the disabled, representatives of indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations.


Increase the number of people with financial literacy skills
By 2030, significantly increase the number of young people and adults who possess skills in demand in the modern world, including professional and technical skills, for employment, decent work and entrepreneurial activities in Ukraine and abroad.


Education in the field of sustainable development and world citizenship
By 2030, ensure that all students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to promote sustainable development, including through learning about sustainable livelihoods, human rights, gender equality, the promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, and an awareness of the value of cultural diversity.
More than 6 years in the field of corporate training

Reviews of our customers

Dmytro Fedorchenko
We would like to express our gratitude to Empire English School for the successful English training course of our colleagues. Throughout the entire course, we experienced the professional and reliable work of managers and teachers.
Рекомендательное письмо
Dmytro Savochkin
HR Department
The SAMSUNG company expresses its gratitude to Empire English School for the successful cooperation and training course. As a person who constantly works with people, I want to note the competence and awareness of the assistant managers who worked with us. Everything is fast, convenient and clear!
Рекомендательное письмо
Дмитро Савочкін
HR Department
Компанія SAMSUNG висловлює свою подяку Empire English School за успішну співпрацю та курс навчання. Як людина, яка постійно працює з людьми, хочу відмітити компетентність та обізнаність менеджерів-асистентів, які працювали з нами. Все швидко, зручно, прозоро і зрозуміло! Усі викладачі, які працювал...
Рекомендательное письмо
Сергій Салата
Наша компанія пройшла корпоративний курс англійської від Empire English School. Ми вдячні за неймовірний підхід викладача та якісну підготовку до уроків. В програмі уроків були втілені побажання кожного студента. Варто відзначити позитивний ефект від методики Edutainment - акад...
Рекомендательное письмо
Тетяна Криничка
Business Director
Компанія MOX-TV пропрацювала зі школою Empire 2 роки. Ми повністю задоволені якісними та ефективними курсами, так як повністю вийшли на новий рівень! Варто відмітити, що Empire English School має добре налагодженну систему зворотнього зв'язку та збору результатів - ми завжди були в курсі...
Рекомендательное письмо

About the company

Empire English School is a provider of corporate English language training with more than 6 years of experience in the niche. We work for the result, using the latest and most effective training tools. The learning process includes live communication in English, Gamification and Crossover Learning techniques and work with certified tutors.
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менеджери по роботі з клієнтами

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